This page has summaries for the stories I'll occasionally make art of on this blog!

Story #1

After a year away, Goat and their parents move back to the suburb Goat grew up in. Ever the ghost-hunter and paranormal investigator, Goat immediately sets out to explore an abandoned building in hopes of uncovering supernatural phenomenon. Unbeknownst to Goat however, their most recent investigation will turn up more than they ever have before...

Goat, completely unruffled at this entirely expected outcome, must now work to uncover the mystery behind their new ghost friend's death. Whether getting help from old friends or going solo (alongside their ghost friend, of course), nothing will stop Goat from unravelling this mystery!

But as they forge onward, they slowly bring the sordid history of the town to light, and it seems inexplicably tied to the ghost's tragic murder. As more questions are unearthed — What role did the town play? How are their parents involved in this? Why did they move back to town? What really happened that faithful night? — Goat, the ghost, and friends will find that danger still lurks, and they may be in too deep to turn back...