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Just went to da bank . . . | . . .

Content Warning: Parent taking their childrens' money, there being part of a house someone's unwilling to go to for mysterious reasons that's at least partially because their parent might be there? Idk. Hope these warnings are sufficient <3.

Just went to the bank 👍.

I've been meaning to go for a little while. The charging port of my sister's phone broke a while ago, and we all just assumed that was the end of it. There was no way we'd be able to pay for a repair, and since all her data was saved to the phone and not an sd card, it would all be lost.

But recently I water damaged my phone (which is interesting for me to think about, since I'm not usually prone to destructive tendancies when I'm frustrated/upset. Just realised that I haven't brought this up to my therapist yet since I haven't seen her in a while. I'll be sure to remember that.), and I realised just how easy phone repair can be.

All I had to do was pop the back open, unscrew the middle frame and it was able to dry out. To be fair I was trying to detach the lcd but I lost the tutorial video I was following so I didn't manage to do that, but I didn't really try 'cus I realised that the phone had dried out already and fixed itself. So I didn't bother to try to detach the lcd screen (I had assumed the water had pooled between it and the middle frame). So who knows if I would be able to do that. Guess I'll only find out of I need to replace the screen or something.

Also to be fair, the water damage to my phone was minimal (I just washed it in the shower, didn't drop it in a lake like that poor lad I took sailing lessons with (who also dropped themself in at the same time)), so I'm not sure how well this fix would work for a phone with more extensive damage. (Also also pls pls pls I want to go sailing again pls can I go to another school that funds lessons like that we're poor no way we'd be able to pay for that ourselves PLEASE.)

I digress. Searching up how to detach the lcd screen also led to "how to replace the charging port" popping up in the related searches. That, combined with the successful fix, made me realise that I could actually just fix it for her.

Good for me too since I actually really enjoy poking at the innards of tech stuff! Partly why I plan to do an IT course at trade school.

Unlike with my phone though, hers would require a replacement part. One I'd have to order online. Thus, my needing to deposit money at the bank.

I'd been meaning to get to it earlier but I forgot my pin so I would have to look at the book where I wrote it down, but that's on the side of the house I don't want to go to so I didn't wanna </3. Additionally, it was hard to motivate myself to go outside.

And that was only after I had gotten money! I got some after asking grandma for some. I think that's when she gave me my graduation card with money? She was like "What are you gonna spend it on?" and I said "I'm gonna buy something for my sibling" and she was like "Oh NO NO NO! That money is for you." and proceeded to give my sister (who was at the table with me when this happened, along with another sibling (we had just eaten breakfast)) $20 of her own. And then she gave my other sibling some money (I think also $20? I didn't look).

My brother actually got upset that he didn't get any money. I think I would also be a bit upset if all my other siblings got money and I didn't, especially considering we're poor and rarely get anything we want or need (also maybe because our parent might not have good shopping habits...). Also he's 11.

I think the reason he didn't get any is because it was a spur–of–the–moment thing for my grandma, and he just wasn't there, so. Oh well! Bad luck I suppose... I think he might be able to get some if he asks, though. Still boggles my mind how my grandparents will just casually hand out cash. Like huh. What do you mean you can just hand out $20 for us to buy slushies??? (<— Real experience. Very strange.)

She gave the $20 to my sister with the broken phone so that she could buy the replacement herself, but I didn't want her to have to spend the money on that. So I asked her if she wanted me to buy it and she said yes <3. So that's what I did <3.

I got something for my other sibling as well, I got her an sd card like mine since these phones come with laughably little space imo. What do you mean over half of it is being used by the system and default apps??

Of course, I would have had money to spare if my mum didn't spend all mine. She ows me at least $94. And she owes my siblings at least $50 each (took our christmas money that our dad sent us).

Anyway! I was finally able to buy it for her. Also my mum was out when I went to the other side of the house to look for my pin, so it was better than it could've been going over there, but still unpleasant. At least I got to see the cats! They're not allowed over here. They were very cute!

I liked going on the bus again <3 It was so fun <3.

I meant to go to a pharmacy to get a covid test, but I realised I didn't have the card that might allow me to get it for free like I thought I did, and I didn't have any money (told my mum the remainder of the money after ordering was hers), so I had to give up. Must've given it to my mum. Maybe next time.

Also gotta say! Scary looking at the bank account and realising there's only $2.67 in there. Damn! We're poor. Ha.

Anyway. Glad I got that all done. I was putting off taking a shower 'cus I knew I would be all sweaty once I did that, and I didn't want to take a shower just to get sweaty like that after. I'm looking forward to showering with my new buzzed head! I showered with it once before but that was directly after I cut it, so that I could get all the little hairs off. This'll be the first time in a relaxed setting! I can't wait!

Plus, I'll launder all my (and my siblings, if they have any) dirty clothes after, and then I'll get started on sewing a new bra(?) for myself based off the one I'm currently wearing! Yippee!

Can't wait to get started on my sibling's phone, I know she was excited to hear I bought the part for her. I hope all goes well and she's able to use it again. Here's to hoping! :)
