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Various thoughts on this day . . . | . . .

Content Warning: mention of skipping therapy, mention of transphobia, mention of parent stealing their childrens' money

Whew! A lot's happened recently! I finally added the viewport meta tags to everything, I added max-width to a some stuff so text isn't too long on desktop, I added an art page and posted some stuff and rushed to put alt text after I realised I had somehow forgotten about that?, added a page to explain some stories, added a rudimentary homepage as well so that you can go between my art and blog, added <html lang="en">, skipped therapy again without calling out, and fixed my sister's phone!

I also discovered The Walten Files apparently has an associated website ( through on neocities, so I've been going through their website to learn about it! I was trying to find's neocities and somehow twa came up on duckduckgo while I was searching.

I don't really keep in touch with the walten files so I don't really know of any new developments past when I initially watched it with my sister, so it's been fun going through thewaltenarchives reading everything. Also, I think it's charming that they're so passionate about something that they made an entire fansite for it. I should tell them that.

Faa, anyway, to elaborate on some of this:

I fixed my sister's phone! The part finally arrives yesterday. It was kinda awkward 'cus my mum (transphobic) handed me the package and it had an unmistakably male name on it (I always put different "male" names on packages for that sweet sweet gender eurphoriiaa), but then I imagine that it could've made her uncomfortable and I feel happy :).

That reminds me, earlier that day my mum actually called me "he" by accident before backtracking and calling me "she". Felt weird.

Anway. It was easy to fix her phone. Beforehand, I had been struggling to unscrew the boards before admitting that the screws were simply smaller than the ones holding in the middle frame and I would need a smaller screwdriver. And once the correct tools arrived with the replacement part, bro I was not prepared for how easy it was to unscrew that thing!

So I put everything new in and the only hiccups were when I was trying to unclip & clip the antennae(?), and when I was trying to put the middle frame on but it wouldn't fit because it turned out a screw had got caught underneath it (I didn't screw it back in. It fits fine without the them, it would be a hassle to screw them all in, and would make it more tedious to take the phone apart again if I ever needed to). So I ended up grinding that errant screw into the motherboard before realising something was stuck underneath the middle frame and taking it out.

I guess I also scratched and pushed at that little gold metal thing that's in the aux port, since at first I thought that it was what was preventing me from putting on the middle frame. Hope those are both okay.

But hey, the motherboard seems fine, because after we charged it my sibling turned on her phone and it worked! At first I thought it was broken 'cus we tried to charge it and it wasn't fully working, but then my sibling suggested that I turn over the plug and it worked!

Guess the plug's getting broken now, and has a side that works and a side that doesn't. Shame. It makes me nervous to have no 100% okay chromebook charger 'cus what if the school asks for it and my chromebook back and I have nothing to offer? I would've bought a new one but unfortunately my mum stole NINETY-FIVE DOLLARS from me (and at least $50 from eaxh of my siblings).

My sibling's phone is finally working again, and I'm glad she's got all her files and stuff and just her PHONE back. She told me before that she had downloaded a song she liked there and couldn't find it again because she found it by searching "unknown song" on a certain app, and on that certain app songs periodically go down depending on if the uploader's phone has the app running in the background or not (or at least that's how it works according to my knowledge). I'm glad she's able to listen to it again :).

She hasn't mentioned anything about the speaker being weird so hopefully I didn't do anything to it like how I did with my own speaker (which I don't think is very bad? At regular volumes I can't tell a difference, although I don't remember at all what it used to sound like, and it feels different now. But at higher volumes it's really noticable. I can hear the speaker rattling).

A little while ago I posted some art. I'm glad I was able to do this, although posting anything about my original stories makes me kinda sad since it reminds me that the document where I kept all my ideas + creative writing got deleted. The only silver lining to that is that my more fleshed out stories had their own planning documents so that didn't get deleted, and that I started making backups of those files.

I think I'll put anything about my stories that only has text in the "blog" section, although I'll title it as relating to a story amd have it link to the story explanations page. But bigger stories would have a section dedicated to them, where any post relating to them would go, regardless of whether that post has images or solely words or anything else.

Hmm, originally I was gonna have the "basic story rundown" appear solely in that story's section, and not in the story explanations page, but maybe it should be the opposite. Or maybe it should be in both places, and the part in Story Explanations links back to that story's section. Hmm. Much to think about...

In other news, I keep trying to listen to Dreaming Spanish. I want to learn spanish as I am latino and various relatives of mine solely speak spanish, or have a much easier time communicating in spanish. But, despite me putting Dreaming Spanish as my First Task of the Day, I never get around to it. Somehow.

I don't really remember how, but I think it's because there are several Prerequisites and Conditions that I am never able to meet. I have to drink enough first so that I am appropriately hydrated for the day (I have not been able to drink enough, especially recently. I always feel so bad 'cus I'm dehydrated, but there's never enough of what I'm willing to drink. It sucks </3), I have to watch it early in the morning before there are people to bother or distract you (I wake up too late), I have to watch it outside so that I can avoid people and thus distractions (can't go outside 'cus I'm dehydrated...), etc.

I guess I just need to get rid of decret rules but like. Every moment I'm not distracting myself from the thought it feels liks I'm wasting timeeeee. If I'm not doing things the Official way then I'm not doing it right and not being productiveeee. Even if it's literally the same thing. Like watching dreaming spanish early in the morning, outside, hydrated —> Correct, Productive. Watching dreaming spanish outside of these parameters —> Wrong. Wasting Time. Like???

WHATEVER WHATEVERRR,,, I guess I need to internalise that I am not on the brink of passing over some DEADLINE so I don't need to IGNORE the TERRIBLE FATE that will befall me for crossing it. I've gone this long without doing anything so doing stuff in an "inefficient" way isn't going to be an inefficient use of my time and therefore I will pass over the deadline 'cus I wasn't doing things in an efficient, correct and therefore timely manner. 'CUS THERE IS NO DEADLINEEE NOTHING IS COMING TO GET MEEE.

Whatever. Guess that's something to talk to my therapist about once I stop skipping therapy.

Apparantly we were supposed to go to a park today but I don't know if that's still in the cards. My body aches so I should probably drink something in case we do that. I'm pretty sure I do want to go to the park with everyone, but also not too much so I won't be dissapointed if we don't.

Hhhg. Writing this blog post was my First Task of the Day and it's already 4:27pm,,. Well, I guess I'll wrap it up for today.

Have a good day, I'll see you next time everybody! <3
