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Night Before the Move . . . | . . .

Content Warning: Dead grandparent & discussion of (future) dead grandparents

Hello, everyone. It's been a while. I don't know why, but it's been hard to write. I kept starting and stopping, not being able to smooth things out into a proper blog post. Just not enough momentum to keep going.

I have this feeling that once we leave, I will not return. Maybe no one else will return either. I don't know, it's been a long time between our last trip here and now, and a long time between that previous trip and the one before it. Our grandparents are getting up in years.

A little before we moved to the u.s., our paternal grandfather died. Our maternal grandfather said that one of the reasons he wanted us here was so that he could take us to the beach while he still could. I think it was about his bad knee, but the memory is fuzzy. One time, last year I think (2023), our maternal grandmother slipped in the bathtub and broke her arm.

If they died, I'm not sure what would happen to this house. I think they own it? Would there be a reason to come back here if they're dead? I don't know. I couldn't imagine I'd come back here as an adult just to look around. Maybe I would, but I think it would be too much effort for me. Ah, we'd probably be aroynd the area if one of them died. We'd probably go to their funeral, right? So we'd return.

This just felt kind of final. As much as I freak out about things always returning to the status quo, there are actually quite a lot of things that can't be undone, and change things forever. Usually that's a good thing. Anything to prevent us sweeping things under the rug and pretending nothing ever happens.

In this case, leaving feels kind of final, although we probably coyld return later. I think I feel this less now, especially now knowing when my return date actually is (found out when applying for a new passport), but before I definitely felt like I would definitely never be coming back.

Which made me feel like I definitely should explore/visit places before I'm never able to again. I made a long list, knowing I would most likely not be able to visit all of them. But I did manage to visit some!

There was this half-made building that had been half-made for years. Something about legal disputes. They'd been wanting to make this grocery store for years but that legal stuff had froze production. Apparently that spot was still like that even when my mum was a kid. But this year whatever legal stuff that had been holding it up got smoothed over, and it finally opened.

I had missed the grand opening, but I at least wanted to go in it. I didn't want to leave before doing that. So, for this bucket list, I finally did! I also went to the bank that same day to deposit enough money to buy some loop earplugs. They've arrived long ago now (yay), and I must say, the packaging is a lot more colourful than it was before! Sweet!

When I volunteered at the library, one of the employees there said that it feels like it's trying to feel like a restaurant, and having been there now I totally see what he was saying! I don't think I would describe it that wsy, though. It was a store that had an open design and had "booths"/little stores inside the store. I mean yeah there was a grocery aisle (in the back left corner of the store), but there was also a walled place selling drinks & smoothies(?) in the centre. Lots of walled places/booths (I dont know how to refer to it. Stands?), actually, but I was more shocked that there were many not attached to the walls and corners.

I didn't have any money but it was cool to look around. There were these sheltered areas selling stuff. My favourite was the one selling mugs, plates, jugs/cooking utensils, bowls, and statues. There may have been two actually, but I can't recall. I thought all the plates looked rather beautiful, and I loved hiw the statues looked. Most of all I wanted those jugs, and that thing that looked like a really big mug (although I'm guessing it wasn't supposed to be used as a really big mug. I would use it for big mug things though).

There was another one of those sheltered areas that sold hats and shirts that I think were merch for the store, although I could be sorely mistaken. There was a wide brimmed hat, I think made of straw, that I tjink looked pretty neat. Ive always loved wide brimned straw hats. I liked the area 'cus I thought it was real silly, selling merch of yourself that looks like something you'd do a barbaque in.

The library employee said that I had to try out the churros there. I didn't have any money. Maybe next time?

Oh! That reminds me, they had this machine that made corn chips in full view at the front. I was enamoured.

Ah, I think I'm going to sleep now. It's 1:30am, and we're leaving at 5pm tomorrow. Ive packed my luggage but I haven't weighed it, and I haven't packed my bag. There's still more I want to talk about, but I'll save it for a later post. I'll link to it at the end of this page when I write it, which might be on the plane since I'll be blogging all day like the last time we thought we were moving. I'll edit all the typos later as well.

The other three places I went to was a sewing shop, an abandoned(?) pool shop, and a park. I'll expoundd on that later, eh? For now, I hope whoever's reading this has a good day/evening/night/dawn! Until next time! <3.

Edit: I have expounded upon those places in Reflections, continued!
